Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Epic battle

have to clean bathroom.

cat had epic battle with lizard last night.

so there's bits of the loser all over the place.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


The small dim speck was growing. Slowly but steadily, it became like a flickering candle in the darkest corner of a windowless room.
Before long, it became like a strong white LED torch, becoming rather painful to the eye to stare at.
And it was still growing.
It wasn't just growing in it's intensity, it was also growing in size. It became more than a speck, it was now quite impossible to see beyond its horizon, not to mention even being blinded by it.
And suddenly, it imploded.
Like God who decided to end all creation in the snap of his fingers, the painful growth of this speck suddenly came to nought. It zoomed back to its minute beginnings; the overbearing luminescence reduced to a mere glow that a firefly would put to shame.
And at the instant of that Great Shrinking, I felt the suffocating blackness take over. As I lost my breath, I could feel the tremendous pressure left behind by the vacuum of the Shrinking. I held on to everything for dear life: the thin thread that dangles my sanity, the frail sapling that roots my rationality, the loose sand that is the very essence of my soul.
And as sudden as the Shrinking, I imploded too, feeling entirely withdrawn and hermit-ised